Tag Archives: wedding rental

Wedding Dilemma 2: Ugly Chairs

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This book that I bought is stressing me out – in a good way.  Last night I sat down with it an thought long and hard about my budget.  The budgeting tools on the Knot and Wedding Wire are great – but they’re almost too easy.  I can look at my budget on their sites and say “yeah!  I can work this out.  I’ll just go under budget on a few things and use that money to pay for x, y, and z – no problem.”  Having to do a budget by hand, however, is a totally different story.  Like I said, stressful.

So I’m set on having a band and going with less expensive catering (read: sandwiches) but I still have a problem.  The venue that I’m using comes with tables and chairs.  Great, right?  Wrong.  The chairs are simply awful.  I’ve tried to look at the good in them (they’re white, they’re comfy, they’re white…) but there’s just no getting past these hideous chucks of plastic.

The way I see it, I have five options:

1) Leave ’em.  They’re ugly but they’re free and I can spend my money on something I care more about… like the band.

2) Rent chair covers.  But those are $1.50 per cover (est. $300) and are equally as ugly.  I think that’s just a waste of $300!

3) Try to cover them up some other way.  I could tie big bows around them but then they’re merely masked, not hidden, and that’s a lot of bows.

4) Rent garden chairs.  To rent 150 garden chairs will cost me $412.  Too bad I have to rent 300 garden chairs if I go this route.  That’s $824 and while these chairs are beautiful, that’s a big number for chairs.  (Part B of option 4 – invite less people, spend less money on chairs & catering).

5) Use the chairs from the ceremony and move ’em all inside after wards!  This would be a stretch, and I would rule it out right away but I hate to rule things out right away.  Can anyone make this work for me?

So there you have it – wedding dilemma no. 2.  It’s a doozy.  Does anyone have any creative ideas for me?  Any advice?  A place in Cincinnati that will rent cheaper chairs?  Let’s hear ’em!
